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Best Apps for Quarantine

Hi hi! I wanted to write a quick post about some unique apps that I've tested out while practicing social distancing and staying at home. These are some of my favorites besides the popular ones that most of us use daily. Hopefully this helps you through the quarantine, and makes it a little more fun :) By the way, this post is in no way sponsored, I just really like using these apps!

Evil Apples

- Calling all cards against humanity fans.... THIS IS THE GAME FOR YOU. It's basically playing cards against humanity but on your phone and still with your friends! It's really simple, you just download the app, tell your friends to too, and then "host" a game party. It gives you a link to share with whomever you want to play with, and once they join you begin the game. It doesn't have to be played in one sitting either! I've had a few games that I play with friends throughout the day, you basically just stay on that round until the person you're waiting on makes their move, and it'll send you a push notification. The cards are hilarious, you'll be sure to get a kick out of it! Definitely for ages 18+, I might add. 10/10 recommend! It's a great way to feel like you're still hanging out with your friends, too!

I love Hue

- I just downloaded this game and I can't stop playing!! It's definitely something that makes you think. Basically, in this game you're given several block of colors, and the goal is to match the colors so that they flow together. It's a little difficult to explain in words but download it & give it a try! It's such a difficult and interesting puzzle as you get to the harder levels! Challenge yourself!

Mindfullness Meditation

- I've only used the free version of this app, but it's super calming and relaxing which is perfect for this time. Use the app to de-stress and unwind, They have a free trial period for a week, which is what I've enjoyed so far!

Picture This

- a neat app that helps you identify plants of all kinds around you. I don't quite use this while I'm in the house, but whenever I go on walks it's fun to see all the different types of plants that are around that we otherwise would have just skipped over, Plus, I just really like plants :) The app uses your camera to capture images of leaves and flowers that are then used to compare with their database to reveal to you the name of the plant. I've used this for a long time now just for fun, especially when I travel it's neat to see all sorts of variety. And no, it's never failed me!


- I've been so addicted to Curtsy, y'all! It's an app that allows you to thrift online! How cool is that? We're talking the cutest clothes ever, everything is so chic and in style. Shop all the hottest labels and trends here for significantly less than you would pay otherwise. I've had really really good luck selling some items on Curtsy, & I have another blog post that I'll share talking more about that, but basically it's a great way to make some extra cash while you're at home. I can almost guarantee you that you'll open the app and find yourself an hour later still scrolling through categories (you can thank me later lol)


- I don't have the best of luck selling anything on Posh, BUT I do find amazing deals here, especially for gifts. You'll find such a variety of items, from kids shoes to designer luxury items, to brand new workout equipment, it's a great way to save some cash and practice sustainable fashion. Plus, I've been lucky enough to find a few items that are no longer available in stores or online, but are brand new with tags on Posh, you've got to check it out!


- Make the most of the time at home! Try to learn a few words from a different language, or better yet go one step further and conquer the language! (Okay, that might be a little too optimistic, but hey it's possible!) I like hearing the pronunciation of words and phrases, and being interactive with it. This is a fun way to keep your brain alert while at home, and you get a little something out of it, too!

Words with Friends

- I know what you're thinking, "that's a throwback". But hey, it's been super entertaining while I'm bored in the house. :) Re-download it and play strangers or friends, either way it's changed a bit since many years ago and totally worth playing again! Plus, you're still challenging your brain, right??

As always, Instagram of course! Follow my page @texasattiffanys for my day to day life!

I hope you found this helpful and enjoy these apps as much as I do :) These are some of the best apps for being at home!

Xoxo, Tiffany

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